"One" (1) in Moroccan Arabic
In Moroccan Arabic, "One" (1) (the number) is written using the Latin script as:
(numerically) 1
(alphabetically) Wahd
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
1 (numerically)
واحد (alphabetically)
(Editor's note: If One is used to describe an object, it's translated as (masculine-based noun) Wahd / واحد (feminine-based noun) Wehda / وحدة.)
Listen to this number pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
Do you want one or two slices?"
Brayti ta4f wla jouj troufa?
بغيتي طرف ولا جوج طروفة؟
"Can I get one more?"
(masculine-based) Wach momkin nzidni wahd akhor?
(feminine-based) Wach momkin nzidni wehda akhra?
واش ممكن نزيدني واحد آخر؟ (masculine-based)
واش ممكن نزيدني وحدة آخرا؟ (feminine-based)
My birthday is on July 1st.
3id miladi wahd fchhar 7.
.عيد ميلادي واحد فشهر سبعة
"I have one brother."
3andi 5ou wahd.
.عندي خو واحد
"I'll be down in one minute."
D9i9a wehda ou ana lteht.
.دقيقة وحدة وأنا لتحت
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