"Tasting" (present) in Greek

In Greek, "Tasting" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Dokimazo

(You) Dokimazeis

(You, formal) Dokimazete

(You, plural) Dokimazete

(He, She, It) Dokimazei

(We) Dokimazoume

(They) Dokimazoun

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(I) Δοκιμάζω

(You) Δοκιμάζεις

(You, formal) Δοκιμάζετε

(You, plural) Δοκιμάζετε

(He, She, It) Δοκιμάζει

(We) Δοκιμάζουμε

(They) Δοκιμάζουν

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"I am tasting the pasta right now."

Dokimazo ta makaronia afti ti stigmi.

Δοκιμάζω τα μακαρόνια αυτή τη στιγμή.

"I'm not tasting it yet."

Den to dokimazo akoma.

Δεν το δοκιμάζω ακόμα.

"What are you tasting?"

Ti dokimazeis?

Τι δοκιμάζεις;

"What are you two tasting?"

Ti dokimazete eseis oi dyo?

Τι δοκιμάζετε εσείς οι δυο;

"He is tasting his mother's cooking."

Dokimazei ti mageiriki tis miteras tou.

Δοκιμάζει τη μαγειρική της μητέρας του.

"He’s tasting the soup for flavor."

Dokimazei ti gefsi tis soupas.

Δοκιμάζει τη γεύση της σούπας.

"She isn’t tasting it yet."

Den to dokimazei akoma.

Δεν το δοκιμάζει ακόμα.

"We are tasting it right now."

To dokimazoume afti ti stigmi.

Το δοκιμάζουμε αυτή τη στιγμή.

"They’re tasting their grandma's cooking right now."

Dokimazoun ti mageiriki tis giagias tous afti ti stigmi.

Δοκιμάζουν τη μαγειρική της γιαγιάς τους αυτή τη στιγμή.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Tasting” (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

"Tasting" (present) in Tunisian Arabic

“Tasting” (present) (verb) in Turkish

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