"Parking" (present) in Greek

In Greek, "Parking" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Parkaro

(You) Parkareis

(You, formal) Parkarete

(You, plural) Parkarete

(He, She, It) Parkarei

(We) Parkaroume

(They) Parkaroun

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(I) Παρκάρω

(You) Παρκάρεις

(You, formal) Παρκάρετε

(You, plural) Παρκάρετε

(He, She, It) Παρκάρει

(We) Παρκάρουμε

(They) Παρκάρουν

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements


"I am parking right now."

Parkaro afti ti stigmi.

Παρκάρω αυτή τη στιγμή.

"I’m not parking yet."

Den parkaro akoma.

Δεν παρκάρω ακόμα.

"Where are you parking?"

Pote parkareis?

Πότε παρκάρεις;

"Are you two parking right now?"

Parkarete afti ti stigmi?

Παρκάρετε αυτή τη στιγμή;

"He is parking in the garage right now."

Parkarei sto gkaraz afti ti stigmi.

Παρκάρει στο γκαράζ αυτή τη στιγμή.

"She’s parking her car."

Parkarei to aftokinito tis.

Παρκάρει το αυτοκίνητό της.

"We are parking right now on the street."

Parkaroume afti ti stigmi sto dromo.

Παρκάρουμε αυτή τη στιγμή στο δρόμο.

"They texted me and said that they are parking."

Mou esteilan minima kai elegan oti parkaroun.

Μου έστειλαν μήνυμα και έλεγαν ότι παρκάρουν.


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

"Parking" (present) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

“Parking” (present) (verb) in Tunisian Arabic

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