"Leaving" (object) (present) in Greek
In Greek, "Leaving" (the verb) is written using the Latin script as:
(I) Afino
(You) Afineis
(You, formal) Afinete
(You, plural) Afinete
(He, She, It) Afinei
(We) Afinoume
(They) Afinoun
Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:
(I) Αφήνω
(You) Αφήνεις
(You, formal) Αφήνετε
(You, plural) Αφήνετε
(He, She, It) Αφήνει
(We) Αφήνουμε
(They) Αφήνουν
Listen to these words pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"I'm leaving it by the front door."
To afino stin mprostini porta.
Το αφήνω στην μπροστινή πόρτα.
"I'm leaving the folder on your desk."
Afino ton fakelo pano sto grafeio sou.
Αφήνω τον φάκελο πάνω στο γραφείο σου.
"I'm not leaving it anywhere. I'll just hold onto it until I see you."
Den to afino pouthena. Tha to kratiso mexri na se do.
Δεν το αφήνω πουθενά. Θα το κρατήσω μέχρι να σε δω.
"What are you leaving there?"
Ti afineis ekei?
Τι αφήνεις εκεί;
"Are you two leaving the report on his desk?"
Afinete tin anafora pano sto grafeio tou?
Αφήνετε την αναφορά πάνω στο γραφείο του;
"She’s leaving her purse in the car."
Afinei to portofoli tis mesa sto aftokinito.
Αφήνει το πορτοφόλι της μέσα στο αυτοκίνητο.
"He is inside leaving the keys with the receptionist."
Einai mesa afinei ta kleidia sti reception.
Είναι μέσα αφήνει τα κλειδιά στη ρεσεψιόν.
"We are leaving these gifts under the tree."
Afinoume afta ta dora kato apo to dentro.
Αφήνουμε αυτά τα δώρα κάτω από το δέντρο.
"They are leaving them there." [Objects, not people]
Ta afinoun ekei.
Τα αφήνουν εκεί.
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