"Wall", "Walls" (nouns) in Greek
In Greek, "Wall" (the noun, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as:
(m) Toixos
Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:
(m) Τοίχος
In Greek , "Walls" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as:
(m) Toixoi
Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:
(m) Τοίχοι
Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"I hung a picture on the wall."
Kremasa mia fotografia ston toixo.
Κρέμασα μια φωτογραφία στον τοίχο.
"My sister is the woman over there leaning up against the wall."
H aderfi mou einai i gynaika ekei pera pou gernei ston toixo.
Η αδερφή μου είναι η γυναίκα εκεί πέρα που γέρνει στον τοίχο.
"These walls are quite soundproof." [Quite would mean they are good at keeping sound out but it doesn't imply that it's 100%]
Aftoi oi toixoi prostatevoun arketa apo ton thoryvo.
Αυτοί οι τοίχοι προστατεύουν αρκετά από τον θόρυβο.
"We painted the walls a light shade of blue."
Vapsame tous toixous se mia apoxrosi anoixtou mple.
Βάψαμε τους τοίχους σε μια απόχρωση ανοιχτού μπλε.
"The walls are made of cement."
Oi toixoi einai ftiagmenoi apo tsimento.
Οι τοίχοι είναι φτιαγμένοι από τσιμέντο.
In other Mediterranean languages and dialects
“Wall”, “Walls” in Egyptian Arabic
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