"Boat", "Boats" (nouns) in Greek

In Greek, "Boat" (the noun, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as:

[f] Varka

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

[f] Βάρκα

In Greek , "Boats" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as:

[f] Varkes

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

[f] Βάρκες

Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements


"We rented a boat for the weekend."

Noikiasame mia varka gia to savvatokyriako.

Νοικιάσαμε μια βάρκα για το Σαββατοκύριακο.

"My uncle owns a small fishing boat."

O theios mou exei mia mikri psarovarka.

Ο θείος μου έχει μια μικρή ψαρόβαρκα.

"There are many boats on the sea today."

Exei polles varkes stin thalassa simera.

Έχει πολλές βάρκες στην θάλασσα σήμερα.

"There are many boats in this marina."

Exei polles varkes s' aftin ti marina.

Έχει πολλές βάρκες σ' αυτήν τη μαρίνα.

"We're on the boat."

Eimaste mesa sti varka.

Είμαστε μέσα στη βάρκα.


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Boat”, “Boats” in Lebanese Arabic

“Boat”, “Boats” in Tunisian Arabic

“Boat”, “Boats” (nouns) in Turkish


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