“Pottery” in Greek
In Greek, "Pottery" (the noun, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as:
(craft) (f) Kerameiki
(object, singular form)
(object, plural form)
Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:
(craft) (f) Κεραμεική
(object, singular form)
(object, plural form)
Listen to these three words pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"She makes pottery."
Kanei kerameiki.
Κάνει κεραμεική.
"I'm learning how to make pottery."
Mathaino kerameiki.
Μαθαίνω κεραμεική.
"This museum has a lot of ancient pottery."
Afto to mouseio exei polla arxaia kerameika.
Αυτό το μουσείο έχει πολλά αρχαία κεραμεικά.
"All this pottery is hand-painted." [is, is in the past tense here.]
Ola afta ta kerameika einai zografismena sto xeri.
Όλα αυτά τα κεραμεικά είναι ζωγραφισμένα στο χέρι.
"I’m taking a pottery class."
Pairno mathimata kerameikis.
Παίρνω μαθήματα κεραμεικής.
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