"Fly" (transportation) (imperative) in Greek
In Greek, "Fly" (the verb, in the imperative form, in the singular form) is written using the Latin script as:
Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:
In Greek, "Fly" (in the plural form) is written using the Latin script as:
Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:
Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"Fly home and see us!"
(singular) Peta spiti kai tha mas deis!
(plural) Petakste spiti kai tha mas deite!
(singular) Πέτα σπίτι και θα μας δεις!
(plural) Πετάξτε σπίτι και θα μας δείτε!
"Fly safely and call when you land."
(singular) Peta me asfaleia kai kalese mas otan prosgeiotheis.
(plural) Petakste me asfaleia kai kaleste mas otan prosgeiotheite.
(singular) Πέτα με ασφάλεια και κάλεσέ μας όταν προσγειωθείς.
(plural) Πετάξτε με ασφάλεια και καλέστε μας όταν προσγειωθείτε.
"Fly there."
(singular) Peta edo.
(plural) Petakste edo.
(singular) Πέτα εδώ.
(plural) Πετάξτε εδώ.
"Don't fly there."
(singular) Min petakseis ekei.
(plural) Min petaksete ekei.
(singular) Μην πετάξεις εκεί.
(plural) Μην πετάξετε εκεί.
"Fly with that airline."
(singular) Peta me aftin tin aeroporiki etaireia.
(plural) Petakste me aftin tin aeroporiki etaireia.
(singular) Πέτα με αυτήν την αεροπορική εταιρεία.
(plural) Πετάξτε με αυτήν την αεροπορική εταιρεία.
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