“I went” in Egyptian Arabic
In Egyptian Arabic, "I went" is written using the Latin script as:
Ana ro7t
Using the Arabic script, it is written as:
أنا روحت
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Examples in sentences or statements
"I went to the movies last night with my girlfriend."
Ana ro7t el cinema embar7 m3 sa7bty
.أنا روحت السينما إمبارح مع صاحبتي
"I went shopping earlier with my husband."
Ana ro7t a3ml shopping mn shwia my gozy.
.أنا روحت أعمل شوبينج من شوية مع جوزي
"I went to the park this morning and read."
Ana ro7t el gnina el sob7 w 2ret.
.أنا روحت الجنينة الصبح و قريت
"I went to the cafe this morning but you weren't there."
Ana ro7t el cafee el sob7 bs ent mkontsh hnak.
.أنا روحت الكافييه الصبح بس إنت مكونتش هناك
"I went for a walk this morning."
Ana ro7t atmsha enharda el sob7.
.أنا روحت أتمشي النهاردة الصبح
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