“Five hundred years” (500 years) in Turkish

In Turkish, “Five hundred years” (500 years) is written as:

(numerically) 500 yıl

(alphabetically) Beş yüz yıl

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Examples in sentences or statements

“This tradition has lasted 500 years.”

Bu gelenek 500 yıldır sürüyor.

“That tree has been growing for 500 years.”

Bu ağaç 500 yıldır büyüyor.

“The document dates back to 500 years.”

Bu belge 500 yıl öncesinden.

“This painting is over 500 years old.”

Bu tablo 500 yıldan eski.

“The construction of the Milan Cathedral took more than 500 years.”

Milano Katedrali’nin inşası 500 yıldan fazla sürdü.

Related words in Turkish

“Year”, “Years” in Turkish

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Five hundred years” (500 years) in Tunisian Arabic

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