"Talk" (future) in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, "Talk" (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) H-atklm

(You) (m) H-ttklm

(You) (f) H-ttklmy

(You, plural) H-ttklmo

(He) H-ytklm

(She) H-ttklm

(We) H-ntklm

(They) H-ytklmo

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

هاتكلم (I)

هتتكلم (m) (You)

(You) (f) هتتكلمي

هتتكلموا (You, plural)

هيتكلم (He)

هتتكلم (She)

هنتكلم (We)

هيتكلموا (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

"I am going to talk to you after the meeting"

Ana ha-atklm m3ak b3d el egtma3.

.أنا هاتكلم معاك بعد الإجتماع

"I won't talk to strangers."

Ana msh ha-atklm m3 nas m3rfhash.

.أنا مش هاتكلم مع ناس ماعرفهاش

"When are you going to talk to the manager?"

Ha-ttklm m3 el moder emta?

هتتكلم مع المدير أمتي؟

"Will you two talk with the new employees?"

Ento el etnin ha-ttklmo m3 el mwzfen el godad?

إنتوا الاتنين هتتكلوا مع الموظفين الجداد؟

"She’s going to talk to her professor tomorrow."

Hya ha-ttklm m3 el ostazha bokra.

.هي هتتكلم مع أستاذها بكرة

"She won't talk until she calms down."

Hya msh ha-ttklm ela lma thda.

.هي مش هتتكلم إلا لما تهدي

"He’ll talk to his parents tonight."

Hwa ha-ytklm m3 ahlo enharda blel.

.هو هيتكلم مع أهله النهاردة بليل

"We will talk about the plans later."

E7na ha-ntklm 3n el 5tt b3den.

.إحنا هنتكلم عن الخطط بعدين

"They’ll talk during the break."

Homa ha-ytklmo fe el break.

.هما هيتكلموا في البريك

"They won’t talk about this topic."

Homa msh ha-ytklmo 3n el mwdo3 da.

.هم مش هيتكلموا عن الموضوع ده


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Talk” (future) in Greek

“Talk” (future) in Turkish

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