“Fastest” in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, “Faster” (the adjective) is written using the Latin script as:


Using the Arabic script, it is written as:


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Examples in sentences or statements

This is the fastest route to the airport.

Dh asr3 tre2 lel mtar. or Dh el tre2 el asr3 lel mtar.

.ده الطريق الاسرع للمطار or .ده اسرع طريق للمطار

Who is the fastest runner on your team?

Men el ars3 fel gry f fre2k?

مين الاسرع في الجري في فريقك ؟

Which one of these animals is the fastest?

Men mn el 7ywanat dy hwa el asr3?

مين من الحيوانات دي هو الاسرع؟

She’s the fastest on our team.

Hya asr3 wa7da f fre2na. or Hya el asr3 f fre2na.

.هي الاسرع في فريقنا or .هي اسرع واحدة في فريقنا

This car is one of the fastest cars I’ve ever driven.

Dy wa7da mn asr3 el 4rbyat ely ana so2tha abl kda.

.دي واحدة من اسرع العربيات االي انا سوقتها قبل كدة


Related words in Egyptian Arabic

“Quickly” in Egyptian Arabic

“Fast” in Egyptian Arabic

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Fastest” in Lebanese Arabic

“Fastest” in Greek

“Fastest” in Tunisian Arabic

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