“Patience” in Greek

In Greek, “Patience” (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:

(f) Ypomoni

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(f) Υπομονή

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Examples in sentences or statements

“Patience is a virtue.”

H ypomoni einai areti.

Η υπομονή είναι αρετή.

I need patience.”

Xreiazomai ypomoni.

Χρειάζομαι υπομονή.

“She has endless patience.”

Exei ateleioti ypomoni.

Έχει ατελείωτη υπομονή.

“He tested my patience.”

Dokimase tin ypomoni mou.

Δοκίμασε την υπομονή μου.

“This job requires a lot of patience!”

Afti i douleia apaitei polli ypomoni!

Αυτή η δουλειά απαιτεί πολλή υπομονή!

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Patience” in Lebanese Arabic

“Patience” in Tunisian Arabic

“Patience” in Turkish

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