“Highschool”, “Highschools” in Turkish

In Turkish, “Highschool” is written as:


In Turkish, “Highschools” is written as:


Listen to these two terms pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

He teaches at a local highschool.

Yerel bir lisede öğretmenlik yapıyor.

She just graduated from highschool.

O, liseden yeni mezun oldu.

She attended two different highschools.

O iki farklı liseye gitti.

“There are two highschools in this area.”

Bu bölgede iki lise var.

He plays football for the highschool team.

Lise takımında futbol oynuyor.

Related words in Turkish

“School”, “Schools” in Turkish

“University”, “Universities” in Turkish

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Highschool”, “Highschools” in Lebanese Arabic

“Highschool”, “Highschools” in Tunisian Arabic

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