“Ladder”, “Ladders” in Greek

In Greek, “Ladder” (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:

(f) Skala

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(f) Σκάλα

In Greek, “Ladders” (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:

(f) Skales

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(f) Σκάλες

Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I need a ladder.

Xreiazomai mia skala.

Χρειάζομαι μια σκάλα.

The ladder is tall.

I skala einai psili.

Η σκάλα είναι ψηλή.

She climbed the ladder.

Anevike sti skala.

Ανέβηκε στη σκάλα.

The ladders are in the garage.

Oi skales einai sto gkaraz.

Οι σκάλες είναι στο γκαράζ.

They used both ladders.

Xrisimopoiisan kai tis dio tis skales.

Χρησιμοποίησαν και τις δύο τις σκάλες.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Ladder”, “Ladders” in Lebanese Arabic

“Ladder”, “Ladders” in Tunisian Arabic

“Ladder”, “Ladders” in Turkish


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