“Miss” (emotional) (future) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Miss” (the verb, in an emotional context, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Netwa7ech

(You) Tetwa7ech

(You, plural) Tetwa7chou

(He) Yetwa7ech

(She) Tetwa7ech

(We) Netwa7chou

(They) Yetwa7chou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

نتوحّش (I)

تتوحّش (You)

تتوحّشو (You, plural)

يتوحّش (He)

تتوحّش (She)

نتوحّشو (We)

يتوحّشو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I’ll miss you.”

Bech netwa7chek.

.باش نتوحّشك

“Who will you miss the most?”

Chkoun akther 3abd bech tetwa7chou?

شكون أكثر عبد باش تتوحّشو؟

“Are you two going to miss this house?”

Bech tetwa7chou edar hedhi?

باش تتوحّشو الدار هاذي؟

“He said he’s going to miss his friends.”

9al eli howa bech yetwa7ech as7abou.

.قال الّي هو باش يتوحّش أصحابو

“She’ll probably miss her family during the trip.”

Lakthareya bech tetwa7ech 3ayletha ki tsefer.

.لكثريّة باش تتوحّش عايلتها كي تسافر

“The couple won’t miss their noisy neighbours.”

El couple mouch bech yetwa7chou jirenhom eli ya3mlou fel 7es.

.الكوبل موش باش يتوحّشو الجيران الّي يعملو في الحسّ

“We’re going to miss hanging out with them.”

Bech netwa7chou nokhrjou m3ahom.

.باش نتوحّشو نخرجو معاهم

“They’ll miss their favourite restaurant after moving out.”

Bech yetwa7chou el restaurant mte3hom el moufadhel ba3d ma yna9lou.

.باش يتوحّشو الرستورون متاعهم المفضّل بعد ما ينقّلو


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