“Beef” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Beef” (the noun) is written using the Latin script as:

(m) L7am ba9ri

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

لحم بقري (m)

Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“Do you want chicken or beef?”

T7eb djej wala l7am ba9ri?

تحب دجاج ولّا لحم بقري؟

“There is beef on the sandwich.”

Fama l7am ba9ri fel kaskrout.

.فما لحم بقري في الكسكروت

“Can I get a sandwich without beef?”

Najem nekhedh kaskrout blech l7am ba9ri?

نجم ناخذ كسكروب بلاش لحم بقري؟

“I bought some beef for the pasta tonight.”

Chrit l7am ba9ri lel ma9rouna mta3 elila.

.شريت لحم بقري للمقرونة متاع الليلة

“How much beef do you want?”

9adech t7eb l7am ba9ri?

قداش تحب لحم بقري؟

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Beef” in Egyptian Arabic

“Beef” in Lebanese Arabic

“Beef“ in Greek


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