“Bar of gold”, “Bars of gold” in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Bar of gold” is written using the Latin script as:

(f) Bara dhhab

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

بارة ذهب (f)

In Tunisian Arabic, “Bars of gold” is written using the Latin script as:

Barat dhhab

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

بارات ذهب

Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“That truck is transporting bars of gold to the bank.”

El kamyouna heki 9a3da thezz fi barat dhhab lel banka.

.الكميونة هاكي قاعدة تهزّ في بارات ذهب للبانكة

“It’s a vault full of bars of gold!”

Hedha coffre m3ebbi b barat dhhab!

!هذا كوفر معبّي ببارات ذهب

“What’s the weight of that bar of gold?”

9addech touzen el bara dhhab heki?

قدّاش توزن البارة ذهب هاكي؟

“This bar of gold weighs 2 kilos.”

El bara dhhab hedhi touzen zouz kilo.

.البارة ذهب هذي توزن زوز كيلو

“The miner found a bar of gold under this rock in the mine.”

El 7affar l9a bara dhhab ta7t el 7ajra hedhi fel loghm.

.الحفّار لقى بارة ذهب تحت الحجرة هذي في اللغم


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