“Dream” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Dream” (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Ne7lem

(You) Te7lem

(You, plural) Te7lmou

(He) Ye7lem

(She) Te7lem

(We) Ne7lmou

(They) Ye7lmou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

نحلم (I)

تحلم (You)

تحلمو (You, plural)

يحلم (He)

تحلم (She)

نحلمو (We)

يحلمو (They)

(Editing note: In Tunisian Arabic, Dream, in the context of sleeping, and Dream, in the context of a future plan, can both use this verb series. When it comes to a future plan, alternatively, the N7eb / نحب (I form) verb series can be used. (N7eb means Want) For more information see the IBL page “Want” (future) in Tunisian Arabic.)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I will probably dream a lot tonight.”

Lakthareya bech ne7lem barcha elila.

.لكثريّة باش نحلم برشا الليلة

“What will you dream about?”

B chnowa te7lem?

بشنوّا تحلم؟

“Do you two think you’ll dream tonight?”

Za3ma bech te7lmou elila?

زعمة باش تحلمو الليلة؟

“He’ll dream of becoming a famous musician.”

Ye7lem enou yweli moughani ma3rouf.

.يحلم أنو يولّي مغنّي معروف

“She’ll dream about her day tonight.”

Bech te7lem b nharha elila.

.باش تحلم بنهارها الليلة

“We’re not going to dream tonight after this long day.”

Manech bech ne7lmou elila ba3d el nhar etwila hedha.

.مناش باش نحلمو الليلة بعد النهار الطويل هذا

“They’ll dream of starting their own business.”

Ye7lmou enhom y7ellou el machrou3 mte3hom.

.يحلمو أنهم يحلّو المشروع متاعهم


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Dreams” (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

“Sleep” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

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