“Listening” (present) in Greek

In Greek, “Listening” (the verb, in the present tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Akouo

(You) Akous

(You, formal) Akoute

(You, plural) Akoute

(He, She, It) Akouei

(We) Akoume

(They) Akoune

Using the Greek alphabet, it is written as:

(I) Ακούω

(You) Ακούς

(You, formal) Ακούτε

(You, plural) Ακούτε

(He, She, It) Ακούει

(We) Ακούμε

(They) Ακούνε

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I’m listening to music.

Akouo mousiki.

Ακούω μουσική.

What are you listening to?

Ti akous?

Τι ακούς;

Are you listening to me?



Are you two listening to what he’s saying?

Eseis oi dio akoute ti leei?

Εσείς οι δύο ακούτε τι λέει;

What song are you two listening to?

Ti tragoudi akoute eseis oi dio?

Τι τραγούδι ακούτε εσείς οι δύο;

He’s listening to a podcast.

Akouei ena podcast.

Ακούει ένα podcast.

”She is listening to an audiobook.”

Akouei ena audiobook.

Ακούει ένα audiobook.

”I don’t think she’s listening to us.”

Den nomizo oti mas akouei.

Δεν νομίζω ότι μας ακούει.

”Keep talking. We are listening to you.”

Sinexise na milas. Se akoume.

Συνέχισε να μιλάς. Σε ακούμε.

”They are listening to music.”

Akoune mousiki.

Ακούνε μουσική.

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Listening” (present) in Lebanese Arabic

“Listening” (present) in Turkish

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