“Require” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Require” (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Lezemni

(You) Lezmek

(You, plural) Lezemkom

(He) Lezmou

(She) Lezemha

(We) Lezemna

(They) Lezemhom

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

لازمني (I)

لازمك (You)

لازمكم (You, plural)

لازمو (He)

لازمها (She)

لازمنا (We)

لازمهم (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I’m going to require some help later.”

Lezemni chkoun y3aweni mba3d.

.لازمني شكون يعاوني مبعد

“I won’t require the details.”

Mouch lezmini etafasil.

.موش لازميني التفاصيل

“You should require their IDs.”

Lezmek tekhedh 3lihom bita9at ta3rifhom.

.لازمك تاخذ عليهم بطاقات تعريفهم

“What will you two require to build a chair?”

Chnowa lezemkom bech tasn3ou lkorsi?

شنوا لازمكم باش تصنعو الكرسي؟

“He’ll require more time to finish.”

Lezmou akther wa9t bech ykaml.

.لازمو أكثر وقت باش يكمل

“She will require your assistance.”

El assistance mte3ek lezmetha.

.الأسيستونس متاعك لازمتها

“We’ll require additional information.”

Lezemna ma3loumet idhafeya.

.لازمنا معلومات اضافية

“They will require your presence.”

Lezemhom el 7dhour mte3ek.

.لازمهم الحضور متاعك


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