“Receive” (future) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Receive” (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) (masculine-based noun) Youselni

(I) (feminine-based noun) Touselni

(I) (plural nouns) Youslouni

(You) (masculine-based noun) Youslek

(You) (feminine-based noun) Touslek

(You) (plural nouns) Youslouk

(You, plural) (masculine-based noun) Youselkom

(You, plural) (feminine-based noun) Touselkom

(You, plural) (plural nouns) Yousloukom

(He) (masculine-based noun) Youslou

(He) (feminine-based noun) Touslou

(He) (plural nouns) Youslouh

(She) (masculine-based noun) Youselha

(She) (feminine-based noun) Touselha

(She) (plural nouns) Youslouha

(We) (masculine-based noun) Youselna

(We) (feminine-based noun) Touselna

(We) (plural nouns) Youslouna

(They) (masculine-based noun) Youselhom

(They) (feminine-based noun) Touselhom

(They) (plural nouns) Youslouhom

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

يوصلني (masculine-based noun) (I)

توصلني (feminine-based noun) (I)

يوصلوني (plural nouns) (I)

يوصلك (masculine-based noun) (You)

توصلك (feminine-based noun) (You)

يوصلوك (plural nouns) (You)

يوصلكم (masculine-based noun) (You, plural)

توصلكم (feminine-based noun) (You, plural)

يوصلوكم (plural nouns) (You, plural)

يوصلو (masculine-based noun) (He)

توصلو (feminine-based noun) (He)

يوصلوه (plural nouns) (He)

يوصلها (masculine-based noun) (She)

توصلها (feminine-based noun) (She)

يوصلوها (plural nouns) (She)

يوصلنا (masculine-based noun) (We)

توصلنا (feminine-based noun) (We)

يوصلونا (plural nouns) (We)

يوصلهم (masculine-based noun) (They)

توصلهم (feminine-based noun) (They)

يوصلوهم (plural nouns) (They)

(Editor’s note: Receive, when translated follows the principal translations listed above. However, certain statements in English that may use Receive, when translated into Tunisian Arabic, may be expressed instead as “Take” (E.g., In the statement below, “If you win, both of you will receive a prize.”, te5thou / تاخذو, has the effect of “Take” in the You, plural form) Other situations, like in Statement #6 below, “The salesman said we can receive a discount on our next purchase.” the operative phrase is ynajmou ya3mloulna / ينجمو يعملولنا which means “They can do”. So in this case, the translation isn’t “we can receive [a discount]”, but instead, “they can do [a discount]” (referring to the store or staff).)

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Examples in sentences or statements

I am going to receive a package in the mail tomorrow.

Bech youselni colis 3al bousta ghodwa.

.باش يوصلني كولي على البوسطة غدوة

You will receive a confirmation email soon.

Bech youslek email mta3 confirmation 3la 9rib.

.باش يوصلك ايميل متاع كونفيرماسيون على قريب

If you win, both of you will receive a prize.

Ken terb7ou, e zouz bech te5thou jaweyez.

.كان تربحو، الزوز باش تاخذو جوايز

He is going to receive a bonus at the end of the year.

Bech youslou bonus fi e5er el 3am.

.باش يوصلو بونيس في آخر العام

She is going to receive a lot of gifts on her birthday.

Bech youslouha barcha cadeauwet fi 3id miledha.

.باش يوصلوها برشا كادوات في عيد ميلادها

The salesman said we can receive a discount on our next purchase.

Elli ybi3 9alna eli ynajmou ya3mloulna remise 3al 7ajet eli bech nechriwhom el marra e jeya.

.إلّي يبيع قالنا إلي ينجمو يعملولنا روميز عالحاجات إلي باش نشريوهم المرّة الجاية

The athletes will receive medals after the race.

Les athlètes bech ye5thou midalieyet ba3d e sibe9.

.لايز أتلات باش ياخذو ميداليات بعد السباق


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Give” (something) (future) in Tunisian Arabic

“Receiving” (present) in Tunisian Arabic

“Received” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

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