“Gives” (Transportation) (Third-Person) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Gives” (the verb, in the context of providing transportation, in the third-person participle) is written using the Latin script as:

(m) Ywasel

(f) Twasel

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

يوصل (m)

توصل (f)

Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

He gives his wife a ride to work every morning.

Houa ywasel martou l khedma kol sbe7.

.هو يوصل مرتو للخدمة كل صباح

She gives her kids a ride to school every day.

Hia twasel sgharha l madrsa kol youm.

.هي توصل صغارها للمدرسة كل يوم

My father often gives me a ride to university.

Baba f 3ada ywasalni l fac.

.بابا في العادة يوصلني للفاك

My colleague often gives me a ride home from work.

(m) Zamili f 3ada ywasalni l dar m khedma.

(f) Zamilti f 3ada twasalni l dar m khedma.

.زميلي في العادة يوصلني للدار من الخدمة (m)

.زميلتي في العادة توصلني للدار من الخدمة (f)

She always gives her son a ride to practice.

Hia dima twasel welha l entrainement.

.هي ديما توصل ولدها للأنترانمون


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Gives” (transportation) (third-person) (verb) in Lebanese Arabic

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