"Farmed" (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, "Farmed" (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Zra3t

(You) Zra3t

(You, plural) Zra3tou

(He) Zra3

(She) Zar3et

(We) Zra3na

(They) Zar3ou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

زرعت (I)

زرعت (You)

زرعتوا (You, plural)

زرع (He)

 زرعت (She)

زرعنا (We)

زرعوا (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements


“I have never tried to farm any citrus fruits.”

3omri majarabt nazra3 ay ghalla 7amdha.

.عمري مجربت نزرع أي غلة حامضة


“Last winter I farmed this land but without any success.”

Chte lifet zra3t lardh hedhi ama manej7etch.

.الشتاء ليفات زرعت الأرض هاذي أما منجحتش


“What did you farm over here?”

Chnowa zra3t lena?

شنوة زرعت لنا؟


“Since you haven’t ever farmed you are not familiar with the difficulties.”

Madem 3omrek mazra3t mata3rfch chma3neha sou3oubet.

.مدام عمرك مزرعت متعرفش شمعناها صعوبات


“My father used to farm vegetables in the garden.”

Baba ken yazra3 khodhra fi jnina.

.بابا كان يزرع خضرة في الجنينة


“Who farmed this area before you?”

Chkoun zra3 lblasa hedhi 9ablek?

شكون زرع البلاصة هاذي قبلك؟


“We have never farmed anything in this land.”

3morna mazra3na haja fel ardh hedhi.

.عمرنا مزرعنا حاجة فالأرض هاذي


“We farmed this area for the first time in years.”

Zra3na lblasa hedhi lel marra loula ba3ed snin.

.زرعنا البلاصة هاذي للمرة لولة بعد سنين


“Why didn’t you all farm your land to cultivate any trees?”

3lech mazra3touch fi ardhkom chwaya achjar?

علاش مزرعتوش في أرضكم شوية أشجار؟


“My kids farmed vegetables in the garden.”

Wledi zar3ou khodhra fi jnina.

.ولادي زرعو خضرة في الجنينة


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