“Know” (relation) (future) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Know” (the verb, in the future tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Bech na3raf

(You) Bech ta3raf

(You, plural) Bech ta3rfou

(He) Bech ya3raf

(She) Bech ta3raf

(We) Bech na3rfou

(They) Bech ya3rfou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

باش نعرف (I)

باش تعرف (You)

باش تعرفو (You, plural)

باش يعرف (He)

باش تعرف (She)

باش نعرفو (We)

باش يعرفو (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

I will get to know him better after the meeting.

Ena bech net3arraf 3lih akther ba3d el ijtime3.

.أنا باش نتعرّف عليه أكثر بعد الإجتماع

Do you think you will know her when you see her?

Tet5ayyel enti bech ta3rafha wa9t tchoufha?

تتخيّل انت باش تعرفها وقت تشوفها؟

Are you two willing to know them more?

Entom ezzouz newyin ta3rfouhom akther?

انتم الزوز ناويين تعرفوهم أكثر؟

He will know his colleagues more as they spend more time together.

Howa taw ya3raf zoumale2ou akther wa9t y3addi m3ahom akther wa9t.

.هو تو يعرف زملاؤو أكثر وقت يعدّي معاهم أكثر وقت

She will know me better when we talk.

Hiya taw ta3rafni akther wa9t na7kiw.

.هي تو تعرفني أكثر وقت نحكيو

We will know our neighbours more during tonight’s party.

A7na taw na3rfou jirenna akther fel 7afla mta3 ellila.

.أحنا تو نعرفو جيرانّا أكثر في الحفلة متاع الليلة

They will know each other better after the date.

Houma bech ya3rfou b3adhhom akther ba3d el 5arja.

.هوما باش يعرفو بعضهم أكثر بعد الخرجة


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