“Drove” (past) in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, “Drove” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) So2t

(You) So2t

(You, plural) So2to

(He) Sa2

(She) Sa2et

(We) So2na

(They) Sa2o

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

سوقت (I)

سوقت (You)

سوقتوا (You, plural)

ساق (He)

ساقت (She)

سوقنا (We)

ساقوا (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“I drove fast to make it in time.”

Ana so2t bisor3ah lilwesol fy alwa2t almonasib.

.انا سوقت بسرعه للوصول في الوقت المناسب

“You two drove to the mountains for a hike yesterday.”

Ento al2tnen so2to lilgabl fy nozhet ambare7.

.انتو الاتنين سوقتوا للجبل في نزهة امبارح

“The family drove across the country for their vacations.”

Al3elah sa2et 3abr albalad 34an teqady agazetha.

 .العيله ساقت عبر البلد عشان تقضي اجازتها

“He drove to the office in the morning.”

Howa sa2 lilmaktab alsob7.

.هو ساق للمكتب الصبح

“He didn’t drive here. He walked.”

Howa masa24 hena. howa ma4a.

.هو ماسقش هنا. هو مشى

“She drove to the beach to relax.”

Heya sa2et lil4ate2 34an terta7.

.هي ساقت للشاطئ عشان ترتاح

“Did she drive alone or with her friends?”

Heya sa2et lwa7daha wla ma3 so7abha?

هي ساقت لوحدها ولا مع صحابها؟

“We drove to the store to get some groceries.”

E7na so2na lilma7el 34an ngeb 4ewayet be2alah.

.احنا سوقنا للمحل عشان نجيب شويه بقاله

“They drove carefully while it was raining.”

Homa sa2o b7azr lma kanet bte4ty.

.هما ساقوا بحذر لما كانت بتشتي


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Drove” (past) in Turkish

“Drove” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

“Drove” (past) in Tunisian Arabic


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