“Travelled” (past) in Egyptian Arabic

In Egyptian Arabic, “Travelled” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(I) Safert

(You) Safert

(You, plural) Saferto

(He) Safer

(She) Safret

(We) Saferna

(They) Safro

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

سافرت (I)

سافرت (You)

سافرتوا (You, plural)

سافر (He)

سافرت (She)

سافرنا (We)

سافروا (They)

Listen to these words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

(Editor’s note: In one or more of the following statements, the word “Travelled” is replaced with an applicable word or words to keep the statement colloquial but to maintain the meaning of “Travelled” (the verb in the past tense).)
“I travelled a lot last year.”

Ana safert kteir al sana aly fatt.

.انا سافرت كتير السنه اللي فاتت

“Where did you travel to last year?”

Safert fin al sana aly fatt?

سافرت فين السنه اللي فاتت؟

“How many countries did you travel to last year?”

kam dawla safert ilayha al sana aly fatt?

كم دوله سافرت اليها السنه اللي فاتت؟

“What countries did your family travel to last year?”

Ayh el dewal aly safret ilayha 3eltak al sana aly fatt?

ايه الدول اللي سافرت اليها عيلتك السنه اللي فاتت؟

“He travelled here by plane.”

Howa safer ila hona bl tayara.

.هو سافر الى هنا بالطياره

“My sister travelled here by plane.”

O5ty safret hena bl tayara.

.اختي سافرت هنا بالطياره

“We travelled by boat.”

A7na saferna bl qareb.

.احنا سافرنا بالقارب

“They travelled to here by camel.”

Homa safro ila hena bl gamal.

.هما سافروا الى هنا بالجمال

“They travelled to this city by camel.”

Homa safro al bald dy bl gamal.

.هما سافروا البلد دي بالجمل


In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Travelled” (past) in Lebanese Arabic

“Travelled” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

“Travelled” (past) in Turkish

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