“Bloomed” (past) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “Bloomed” (the verb, in the past tense) is written using the Latin script as:

(He) Fatta7

(She) Fatt7et

(They) Fatt7ou

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

فتّح (He)

فتّحت (She)

فتّحو (They)

Listen to these three words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

Wow! These flowers just bloomed!

Wow! E nawar hedha taw bech fatta7!

!واو! النوار هذا تو باش فتّح

When did this plant bloom?

Wa9teh fatt7et e nabta hedhi?

وقتاه فتّحت النبتة هذي؟

The flowers haven’t bloomed yet.

E nawar ltaw mafatta7.

.النوار لتو ما فتّح

This plant bloomed a few weeks ago.

E nabta hedhi fatt7et 3andha chwaya jem3at lteli.

.النبتة هذي فتّحت عندها شوية جمعات لتالي

This plant bloomed last May.

E nabta hedhi fatt7et mai eli fet.

.النبتة هذي فتّحت ماي إلي فات

The roses bloomed last week and filled the garden with a nice smell!

E nawar fatta7 e jom3a lifetet w 3abba e jardin b ri7a bnina!

!النوار فتّح الجمعة إلي فاتت وعبّى الجردة بريحة بنينة

When did these flowers bloom?

Wa9teh fatta7 e nawar hedha?

وقتاه فتّح النوار هذا؟

Do you see how beautiful this plant looks after it bloomed?

(singular) Rit ma7leha e nabta hedhi ba3d la fatt7et?

(plural) Ritou ma7leha e nabta hedhi ba3d la fatt7et?

ريت محلاها النبتة بعد لا فتّحت؟ (singular)

ريت محلاها النبتة بعد لا فتّحت؟ (plural)


Related words in Tunisian Arabic

“Flower”, “Flowers” in Tunisian Arabic

“Blooms” (third-person) in Tunisian Arabic

“Blooming” (present) in Tunisian Arabic

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