“Trunk”, “Trunks” (car) in Turkish

In Turkish, “Trunk” (the noun, as in the storage compartment at the back of a car) is written as:


In Turkish, “Trunks” (the noun) is written as:


Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

“Put all the bags in the trunk.”

Tüm çantaları bagaja koyun.

“Is there enough room in the trunk?”

Bagajda yeterli yer var mı?

“Can you open the trunk?”

Bagajı açabilir misin?

“These cars have really large trunks.”

Bu arabaların gerçekten büyük bagajları var.

“I have some stuff in the trunk. Can you help me carry it?”

Bagajda birkaç eşyam var. Taşımama yardım edebilir misin?

In other Mediterranean languages and dialects

“Trunk”, “Trunks” (car) in Tunisian Arabic

“Trunk”, “Trunks” (car) in Greek

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