“On” in Turkish

In Turkish, “On” (as in the physical position of something) is written as:


In Turkish, “On(as in when something is to or has occurred) is written as:



(Editor’s note: In Turkish, the suffix -de can be affixed to a word when the last vowel is a bold vowel (Bold vowels, in Turkish, are a, ı, u, o) and -da when the last vowel is a thin vowel (Thin vowels, in Turkish, are e, i, ü, ö). Although in more casual situations it is more common to forgo -de and -da and the statement will have the same effect. To see this rule in effect, see the two variant translations in Statement #1 below.)

In Turkish, “On” (as in a device being active) is written as:


Listen to these two words & suffix pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

The event is on Thursday.

Etkinlik Perşembe günü. [or] Etkinlik Perşembe gününde yapılacak.

The keys are on the table.

Anahtarlar masanın üstünde.

I turned the dishwasher on.

Çamaşır makinesini çalıştırdım.

The show is on.

Program başladı.

The book wasn’t on the bookshelf.

Kitap kitaplığın üstünde değildi.

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