"Fork", "Forks" (nouns) in Turkish
In Turkish, "Fork" (the noun, as in the eating utensil) is written as:
In Turkish, "Forks" (the noun) is written as:
Listen to these two words pronounced (audio)
Examples in sentences or statements
"Can I have a fork?"
Bir çatal alabilir miyim?
"Can you please pass me a fork?"
Lütfen bana bir çatal uzatır mısın?
"The forks and knives are washed."
Çatallar ve bıçaklar yıkanmış.
"Can I get another fork?"
Başka bir çatal alabilir miyim?
"It's a plastic fork."
Bu bir plastik çatal.
In other Mediterranean languages and dialects
“Fork”, “Forks” (nouns) in Egyptian Arabic
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