“100%” (One hundred percent) in Tunisian Arabic

In Tunisian Arabic, “One hundred percent” is written using the Latin script as:

(numerically) 100%

(alphabetically) Mia bel mia

Using the Arabic script, it is written as:

100% (numerically)

مية بالمية (alphabetically)

Listen to this number pronounced (audio)


Examples in sentences or statements

My phone is 100% charged. You can use the charger now.

Talifouni tcharga 100%. Tnajem testa3mal e chargeur tawa.

.تاليفوني تشرجى %100. تنجم تستعمل الشارجور توا

I’m 100% sure of my decision.

(m) Met2akad 100% men 9arari.

(f) Met2akda 100% men 9arari.

.متأكد %100 من قراري (m)

.متأكدة %100 من قراري (f)

I’m not 100% sure.

(m) Menich met2akad 100%.

(f) Menich met2akda 100%.

.مانيش متأكد %100 (m)

.مانيش متأكدة %100 (f)

The ingredients are 100% organic.

El moukawinet 100% organiques.

.المكونات %100 أورجانيك

The doctor said that the success rate of the operation is 100%.

(m) E tbib 9al eli nesbet nje7 el 3amalia 100%.

(f) E tbiba 9alet eli nesbet nje7 el 3amalia 100%.

.الطبيب قال إلي نسبة نجاح العملية %100 (m)

.الطبيبة قالت إلي نسبة نجاح العملية %100 (f)


Other numbers & words in Tunisian Arabic

“One hundred” (100) in Tunisian Arabic “Percent” in Tunisian Arabic

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